Base class for all DataTrue resource types

Hierarchy (View Summary)



allowanceResetAt?: Date
contextType: string = ""
name: string
options: ResourceOptions = {}
stepsTotal?: number
stepsUsed?: number
childTypes: readonly string[] = ...
resourceType: string = "account"
resourceTypeRun?: string


  • Set options from the passed options object


    • options: ResourceOptions

      the object to set options from

    • Optionaloverride: boolean

      whether to override the options object

    Returns void

  • Convert the resource to an Object

    Returns Promise<Record<string, any>>

    object representation of the resource

  • Create a resource from an object


    • obj: Record<string, any>

      object to create resource from

    • copy: boolean = false

      whether to create a copy of the resource or not (removes resource IDs)

    Returns Account

    new Resource